Princess Kakyuu and the Three Lights

romaji lyrics | kanji lyrics | translated lyrics
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Hiding my body in a fragrance of flowers,
I continued to wait earnestly for...
...the time that I would meet the one light in the Universe
Light of Hope, Light of Reincarnation

For the sake of the rebirth of our planet,
The one who you must now protect is Sailor Moon

"I understand, Princess"

I will protect the Earth right up to the very end
I believe in the power of the Light of Hope

No, Princess, instead of staying longer on this planet...
As soon as possible, Kinmokusei must...

My heart is impatient about going to the galaxy, but...
If we don't borrow the power of the Light of Hope...

The thought of you brought up all alone
Several things can happen
Believe once again in me
Make our hearts become one now
The silver crystal which is the light of the future must...
Translated by Aniko & Craig
@ #junketsu-no-narcism on irc.chatsociety.net

Please do not post or use without permission from the translator.